The Single Well with Dr. Milah
The Single Well with Dr. Milah
Self-Care for Professional Women featuring Dr. Tamara Beckford
Dr. Tamara Beckford is a board-certified emergency physician, speaker, host of the Docs Who Care podcast, and founder of the UR Caring Society. The UR Caring Society helps busy professional women take an active role in their health and wellness by putting themselves first for just two hours per month. During the pandemic, Dr. Beckford recognized that many professional women were constantly tired, eating poorly, missing sleep, not working out; therefore, she launched the UR Caring Society to support these women on their wellness journey. As a busy ER doctor in the middle of a pandemic, a wife, and a mother, I KNOW how hard it is to put myself first without feeling guilty.
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CEO of UR Caring Docs
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Host of the Docs Who Care Podcast
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